This is a photo taken of us just before we moved house. We are now living in Essex where we have a big paddock to run around in everyday and a garden with a pond where Dougie likes to take a dip!
Gummi is by far the naughtiest of all the pups. He favourite hobbies include digging a big hole in the garden (right in the middle of the lawn), barking at auntie Chloe and trying to start play fights with all of the others when they are trying to sleep.
Dotty is the biggest at the moment. She used to be the most mischievious but has calmed down a bit now though she is still partial to good shoe to chew...
Dougie was the smallest but has now caught up. He more than makes up for his size though. He is always getting into the house and tryin to steal bones.
Apple got her name from the apple shaped markings on her side. We think she is the new moley from the way she acts. She does like eating apples that she finds that have falle off of the tree so we have to try to reach them before she does!!!